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Can We Talk About That Nutso-Fantastic Amazon Fire TV Ad with Gary Busey?

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 9, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 9, 2014 |

There’s a part of me that feels like the entirety of Gary Busey’s career happened for a reason, and that reason is this new commercial for Amazon Fire TV. From Lethal Weapon to Point Break to his singing career to the bizarre 2006 Turkish nationalist film Valley of the Wolves to his late career turns in celebreality television and to the brain injury he suffered in a motorcycle accident. All of it was for a reason! And if just one of things things hadn’t happened along the way, maybe Gary Busey would’ve been in a different place at a different time, and none of us would’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing Busey talk to his lamp. Or talk to his pants. If Gary Busey had actually been wearing a helmet in that motorcyle crash or had snored three fewer lines of coke in the 80s, we might never have seen him thank the fish.

God really does have a plan.