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Can Conan Save 'Sons of Anarchy'?

By Cindy Davis | Videos | November 12, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | November 12, 2014 |

After last night’s PORN-O-RIFFIC cold open, I had but one thing to say about Sons of Anarchy: Kurt Sutter has lost his damned mind. Not that I mind seeing Charlie Hunnam’s ass in all its glory, but really — are writhing butts and a (pointless) higher body count than Dexter really what you want people to remember about your final season? What happened to the plot? And I don’t really like picking on children, but my word, please have mercy and swap out the kid playing Abel. Yeah, I know it’s all too late.

Unlike Dustin, I don’t think there’s any way to save the finale; it feels like a chore watching these episodes…hey wait! There is someone who thinks he might be able to help:

Well, that was better than most of what we’ve seen so far. Same goes for Sutter’s fantasy ending:

See you on the other side, brutha.


Cindy Davis, (Twitter) did enjoy Tig and Venus’ sweet conversation.