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Behold The Angsty Art School Allure Of Young Punks Peter Capaldi And Craig Ferguson

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | July 30, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | July 30, 2015 |

Did you know that in his youth, Doctor Who’s Peter Capaldi was the frontman of a punk band? And did you know his drummer was none other than comedian/ former late night talk show host/ fellow scotsman Craig Ferguson? It’s true!

Here he is talking about the wonder of it all on The Graham Norton Show (jump to the 30 second mark if you don’t care about Gemma Arterton):

They were called The Dreamboys, because of course they were. And Capaldi can play down their angsty art school allure all he wants, but imagining him wild, spiky-haired, scrawny and shirtless lunging around a stage is enough to send us to our bunks. But WAIT! Because you can actually add a soundtrack to this frenzied fantasy thanks to the bloke who uploaded the band’s 1980 EP.

H/T Nerdist

Admittedly, current day Capaldi works for us too. We’ve got a thing for cantankerous silver foxes.


Kristy Puchko met the twelfth Doctor briefly at SDCC, and may have swooned a little when he started pontificating on the dangers of time and space.