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All The Great Mustache-y Bits From Last Night's Swanson-tastic 'The Daily Show'

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | October 29, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | October 29, 2013 |

First of all, Nick Offerman was on The Daily Show last night being his delightful Scotch-swilling, flannel-promoting self. I’m pretty sure the greatest thing Parks & Recreation ever did was allow Ron Swanson to be as Offerman-tastic as possible. Here he is talking about, well, all the things you would expect Ron Swansofferman to talk about. His book, Paddle Your Own Canoe: One Man’s Fundamentals for Delicious Living, is exactly that. A hardcover ode to drinking, building and pleasing his lovely wife.

But with apologies to Offerman, that wasn’t even the best mustache moment of the night. That came when Jon Stewart took the piss out of Rep. David McKinley from West Virginia and then, later, oh yes, sang a version of “Try A Little Tenderness.”

If you can’t see the whole thing in all its delightful, desk-writhing glory, then here are some images.




(via Uproxx)