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Ah, American Television: Watch This Guy in a Mentos Suit Jumping into a Diet Coke Filled Tub

By Cindy Davis | Videos | June 19, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | June 19, 2014 |

We’re not all about the highbrow shows around here, you know. I am absolutely fascinated by this stunt for an upcoming show called Epic Meal Empire. It’s a well-documented kinda scientific fact that if you mix Mentos (yes, that candy with the dumbass commercials) with Diet Coke, you get a pretty cool chemical reaction aka an eruption. Well, A + E’s rebranded FYI (formerly Biography) channel is kicking off this July with a series based on the popular YouTube show, Epic Meal Time. Hosted by Harley Morenstein (who co-created the show with his brother Darren), the online series explores high calorie, heavy on meat and alcohol meals, like TurBaconEpic Thanksgiving, which featured a pig stuffed with a duck, a chicken, a turkey, a Cornish hen and a quail, and wrapped in bacon. Epic Meal Empire will feature Harley and his crew inventing new dishes…and apparently setting up some goofy stunts (Morenstein calls his show Jackass in the kitchen) like this one:


It’s mesmerizing, no? I probably shouldn’t talk about how many times I’ve watched, right?

Epic Meal Empire hits FYI July 26th.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) is only slightly ashamed to be considering watching this series.