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After Government Shutdown Forces Couple to Cancel Wedding, Stephen Colbert Steps in to Perform the Ceremony

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | October 4, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | October 4, 2013 |

Well, this is just fantastic! After the government shutdown forced the closure of the nation’s parks, one couple had to cancel their wedding. Colbert, however, wouldn’t have it. He brought in the couple, their wedding party, and the family, held the bachelor and bachelorette party (with strippers) on stage, and then performed the ceremony of Mike Cassesso and MaiLien Le (who carried Colbert’s Emmy in lieue of a bouquet). The icing on the cake? Mandy Patinkin came out to sing the non-denominational Jewish blessing, and five-time Tony winner Audra McDonald came out to sing the song for the first dance (an opera version of Billy Idol’s “White Wedding”).

It’s terrific!

The Colbert Report
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The Colbert Report
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