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Adult Swim's 'Too Many Cooks' Should Come With a Trigger Warning For General Insanity

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 7, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 7, 2014 |

Adult Swim seems to have laid a golden egg of insane brilliance and buried it in the middle of the night, just waiting for someone to stumble across it. Casper Kelly’s 12-minute short played a few nights ago during infomercial hours (like 4 a.m. infomercial hours), which is really the only time of day that it would make sense to a person’s brain. The short is actually a very long theme song for a nonexistent 1970s or 80s sitcom. But if you’re watching it and you think you’re tired of the gag (or the earwormiest song you’ve ever heard), keep going. The whole thing plays like a Kerouacian Benzedrine-fueled free association nightmare.