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Adam Scott Explicates the "Ice Ice Baby" Lyrics, Is an Adorable Hedgehog

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 19, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 19, 2012 |

Adam Scott was on Conan O’Brien last night, which was the only place apparently that didn’t spend the entire show covering Mitt Romney. Instead, Scott — in talking about a mostly deleted scene he did in 2008’s Step Brothers — does a wonderful explication of the nonsensical lyrics to Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby.”

In an earlier part of the interview, Scott (badly) demonstrates his ability to name the year a movie was released.

Adam Scott also discusses his children’s fondness for “Parks and Recreation.” Wait? Adam Scott has kids?

I had no idea Scott was married. I should’ve added him to the Image Gallery of Television Actors and their Not Famous Spouses. Here’s Adam and his wife, Naomi (formerly a writer on Kimmel).


“Parks and Recreation” returns tomorrow. THAT’S NOT SOON ENOUGH.

(via Uproxx)