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Adam Levine's Impression of Michael Jackson Singing the 'Sesame Street' Theme is N-U-T-S

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 3, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 3, 2014 |

Over on Fallon last night, Jimmy and Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine played a game that involved musical impressions randomly paired with certain songs. I wasn’t that taken by Levine’s Sinatra or Fallon’s Dylan, but when Michael Jackson and the “Sesame Street” theme song came up on the Wheel of Music, Levine killed it. Not only did he crush the impression, I now wish Michael Jackson’s version of the “Sesame Street” theme existed and were available on Spotify.

Jump to 2:15 for the smashing rendition.

At 4:10, Eddie Vedder doing “The Muffin Man” is pretty great, too.