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Adam 'Bulletproof' Reposa is the Best Godd*mn Lawyer in the US of A

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | May 29, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | May 29, 2012 |

I wish Adam Reposa were around back when we were running Quizlaw. That guy could’ve generated days worth of material: The Texas attorney has been sentenced to 90 days in jail for contempt of court after making a masturbatory gesture toward a judge (he had his sentence reduced to 9 days and house arrest on the condition that he attend all of his unborn child’s prenatal visits). He used to run a website called In the State of Texas, he’s licensed under the name “Mr. Adam ‘Coach Reposa’ Reposa,” and before that, he was listed as Adam “Bulletproof” Reposa. Also, his business card looks like what you’d imagine Charlie Sheen’s business card would look like if Sheen were a lawyer (ADAM REPOSA: LAWYER/WINNER).

Finally, according to his latest TV commercial, if you stand in his way, apparently he will run your ass over. He is a LAWYER, a PATRIOT, and a CHAMPION and he has the facial hair to prove it. He’s the best lawyer in these here United States of America and don’t you ever forget it, f*ck weasel.