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About That Time Benedict Cumberbatch Used A Stuffed Monkey To Spoil The Next Season Of "Sherlock"

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | July 19, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | July 19, 2013 |

Because they couldn’t make the “Sherlock” panel at the San Diego Comic-Con this year, both Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch recorded a short little loving message for their fans. Freeman’s is fine (if a bit terse). It is jarring to see a hobbit in shades. Cumberbatch, however, is a g-d delight. No actual plots we spoiled nor stuffed monkeys harmed in the making of it. Enjoy!

Happy Friday! Byeeee!!!


P.S. More Comic-Con coverage to come this afternoon.

P.P.S. Someone labeled that header photo “Benjamin Cumberbatch.” It wasn’t me, but I would like their job.