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A Lot of 'Scrubs' & 'Cougar Town' Actors Band Together to Refuse to Promote Bill Lawrence's Latest Show, 'Undateable'

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | May 29, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | May 29, 2014 |

If this season has taught us anything, it’s that the networks hate Bill Lawrence. Two of my favorite sitcoms this year came from Lawrence’s school of sitcom company, Enlisted and Surviving Jack, and they’ve both been cancelled (although, over on TBS,Ground Floor with John C. McGinley has been picked up for a second season, and Cougar Town got picked up for a sixth and final season).

His latest is Undateable, and it premieres tonight on NBC. It hasn’t been cancelled yet, but you get the feeling that it doesn’t really even have a shot given its scheduling, and the fact that I have no idea what it is other than the fact that Chris D’Elia is in it, and I already don’t like him from Whitney.

But, it’s Bill Lawrence, and out of loyalty to Scrubs and the fact that I’ve never disliked a Bill Lawrence sitcom, I’ll give it a shot. I may be the only one, including a lot of familiar faces from Bill Lawrence sitcoms, who are in this video that Bill Lawrence made to help promote the show. Only problem is, none of them have any idea what the hell Undateable is.

Poor guy. Even his wife won’t help.