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Journalistically Speaking, This Is Seriously Gross, USA Today

By Dustin Rowles | | October 10, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | | October 10, 2018 |


Back in my college days while I was studying journalism, my professors, for the most part, saw USA Today as the scourge of newspapers. Splashy color photos! And short, facile pieces! But in many ways, print magazines and then the Internet followed USA Today’s lead, with a focus on eye-catching graphics and dwindling attention spans.

What USA Today did today, however, is beyond the pale, and when it comes to journalistic integrity, the publication has given up the last scrap of that where it concerns political coverage. This morning they published an unchecked op-ed with a byline from Donald Trump.

Here’s a taste:

As a candidate, I promised that we would protect coverage for patients with pre-existing conditions and create new health care insurance options that would lower premiums. I have kept that promise, and we are now seeing health insurance premiums coming down.

The reality is, the Trump White House has a case in court at this very moment in which they are trying to remove pre-existing conditions from Obamacare.

The truth is that the centrist Democratic Party is dead. The new Democrats are radical socialists who want to model America’s economy after Venezuela.

If Democrats win control of Congress this November, we will come dangerously closer to socialism in America. Government-run health care is just the beginning. Democrats are also pushing massive government control of education, private-sector businesses and other major sectors of the U.S. economy.

Venezuela? They always cite Venezuela and never, like, Norway.

Today’s Democratic Party is for open-borders socialism. This radical agenda would destroy American prosperity. Under its vision, costs will spiral out of control. Taxes will skyrocket. And Democrats will seek to slash budgets for seniors’ Medicare, Social Security and defense.

Just go ahead, USA Today. Let him say anything he wants! “Democrats are for murdering white men and blowin up the moon!” Cool, print it.

That is seriously gross, USA Today, and it reflects terribly on the good, responsible journalists on that staff.

It has, however, captured someone’s attention.