By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | October 10, 2016 |
By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | October 10, 2016 |
Just last week, GLOP shared a bit about how rape culture impacts how we interact with the world. We referenced specifically how some men might use their size advantage over women to intimidate them into submission. And last night watching the second presidential debate, the whole nation got to witness Donald Trump try do just that. But Hillary Clinton has faced off against dictators for her day job. She wasn’t afraid of no Republican Babadook.
Still, that didn’t keep Twitter from running wild in the way we’ve come to depend on:
Hillary turn around there's something behind you girl TURN AROUND. #horrormovie #debate -H
— Heather & Jessica (@fuggirls) October 10, 2016
Behind every great woman is a flailing orange nightmare. #debates
— Spooky Dan Casey (@osteoferocious) October 10, 2016
*plays Halloween theme*
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) October 10, 2016
Halloween so soon? #debate2016 #debate #debatenight #debates
— George M Johnson (@IamGMJohnson) October 10, 2016
TIS THE SEASON #Debates2016
— Bryan Fuller (@BryanFuller) October 10, 2016
TRUMP's inhale before speaking be sounding like… #debate #debate2016 #Debates
— Kofi Outlaw (@KofiOutlaw) October 10, 2016
So I see this Donald showed up tonight.
— Which Blair Project? (@wordsbycbiggs) October 10, 2016
C'mon guys, there's nothing creepy about Trump walking behind Clinton #debates
— DonnACK!AAAAGH Kenny (@TheRealDonnacha) October 10, 2016
— Laura Hudson (@laura_hudson) October 10, 2016
Attack of the Killer Tomato
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) October 10, 2016
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) October 10, 2016
— max (@MaxRappaport) October 10, 2016
I am the Greasy Strangler.
— Jordan Hoffman (@jhoffman) October 10, 2016
It Follows
— Katie McDonough (@kmcdonovgh) October 10, 2016
Protip: @realDonaldTrump if you don't want to look like a creep to women don't literally creep up behind them while they're talking. #debate
— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) October 10, 2016
And a reality check:
Every woman watching has had a creepy dude pace behind her. #debates
— Erin Judge (@erinjudge) October 10, 2016
Kristy Puchko wonders how Trump’s polling with women this morning.