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Lakes, Volcanoes, and Mountains Are Fighting on Twitter: Welcome to 2018!

By Jodi Smith | | January 5, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | | January 5, 2018 |


I’m serious.

I want to explain to all of you what is happening. I want to guide you through this glorious insanity unfolding before our very eyes. I will try my best, kids.

Forbes shared on January 3rd that Mount Saint Helens in Washington state was rumbling and was the source of forty earthquakes since New Year’s Day. OF COURSE Mt. St. Helens has a Twitter account, so they retweeted Forbes.

Even before this, Mt. St. Helens had beef with Mt. Ranier and Mt. Baker:

Lake Superior ALSO has a Twitter account and was pulled into the mountainous pissing contest. Or jumped in on its own?


I think I need to lie down.