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You're Not Watching 'black-ish' Yet? Let's Fix That.

By Emily Cutler | TV | October 13, 2014 |

By Emily Cutler | TV | October 13, 2014 |

You should be watching black-ish. Really, if you’ve had any reservations about watching it, give it at least three episodes. You will not have wasted that hour and a half of your life. But if you’re unwilling to take just my word for it, I do have actually reasons:

1.) It’s legitimately funny.
There’s a reason the show was the first comedy of the season to be renewed. It’s really funny. And funny in a surprisingly edgy way considering it’s a family comedy. You know how Modern Family is always reliably funny in a boring sort of way? black-ish is not that kind of funny. And speaking of Modern Family

2.) Diane Johnson is the Anti- Lily Tucker-Pritchett
You know how Lily is the worst? (Sorry, small child who plays Lily. I’m sure you’re great.) Diane, the youngest daughter of the Johnson family, is what Lily should be. She’s outspoken and opinionated, but without being horribly mean about it. She disagrees with her parents (mostly her mother), but in a surprisingly mature, smart way for her age. She’s funny as a character, and not just as a punchline.

3.) Yes, they talk a lot about race.

You’d have to imagine a show called black-ish would deal with race in the U.S., and they’ve done so really well. Now granted, they’ve dealt with race as it concerns one upper- middle class black family. This is not a comedic version of The Wire. We won’t be getting a varied look at modern race relations and how enduring racism continues to harm the black community. But we will see how three generations of black men feel about the importance of black identity and community. I’d rather watch that than more boob jokes from Chuck Lorre.

4.) You might piss off Donald Trump.
This is what The Donald thinks about the new highest rated comedy:

Is Trump implementing fake outrage in order to manufacture more Twitter hits? Probably. But do lots of people actually share Trump’s fake sentiment? Definitely. So do your part. Watch a show that pisses off a racist. You won’t regret it.