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"Women's Lasers!" Recapturing the Magic of Last Night's Extraordinarily Sweet "Parks and Recreation"

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 18, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 18, 2011 |

Parks and Recreation: Man alive, that felt good. That felt needed. That felt right. That was one hell of a kiss, and compound that with Ron Swanson’s good deed for Andy, and “Parks and Rec” continued to demonstrate why it’s maybe the sweetest, cuddliest, most lovable show on television.

  • “One thing I promised myself when I buried gold in my backyard was that I never be a hoarder or a miser about it.” — Ron Swanson

  • “”The only good font is the Sopranos font where the “R” is a Pistol.” — Tom Haverford

  • “Good news, son. You have just won a Ron Swanson scholarship.” — Ron Swanson

  • “Woman’s Lasers! I would totally sign up for that course!” — Andy Dwyer

  • “For what it’s worth, I think you would make an incredible brunette.” — Ron Swanson








    Leslie: There is another option. We could… just say screw it and do this thing for real.

    Ben: What?

    Leslie: I miss you like crazy. I think about you all the time. I want to be with you. So let’s just say screw it!

    Ben: No. We would have to tell Chris-

    Leslie: Yeah

    Ben: it could turn into a scandal-

    Leslie: Yeah

    Ben: it could hurt your campaign,

    Leslie: Yes

    Ben: I mean how would, how would you imagine we do this?

    Leslie: I don’t know. But I, I know how I feel. And I want to be with you. But I’m done steamrolling people. This is how I feel. How do you feel?
