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Will Connie Britton Ever Agree to a 'Friday Night Lights' Reboot?

By Kate Hudson | TV | November 26, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | TV | November 26, 2018 |


Connie Britton was on Watch What Happens Live last night promoting Dirty John, and naturally the conversation shifted to a Friday Night Lights reboot—because in 2018, everything old is new again! Except me, I keep aging at the same rate, but only until I can finally track down that magic toad who is also a wizard, and successfully answer his riddles three. Anyway, I digress—Connie, whom I not-so-secretly believe to be one of my celebrity best friends, if only we could meet, shed light on the future of Friday Night Lights. Mainly that there isn’t one.

Tami Taylor’s moved on, y’all. Here’s a collection of her y’alls to sing thee to thy rest, because she’s never going to tease her hair for us again.

…except for last night, when she did it once more for old time’s sake, with Andy Cohen doing a surprisingly not terrible impersonation of Coach Taylor. He did the chin rub and all. I think someone’s a fan.

I queued up the relevant section for you, but the entire segment is worth a watch if you like Britton (so… everyone in existence.) She takes some calls from fans, and the best tidbit we learn is that she snatched the parking spot placard for “Principal Tami Taylor” from the set, and installed it at her home in Texas.


So where does this leave Friday Night Lights fans? Well, basically exactly where you were yesterday.


It was a great show, and taught me everything I know about football (which admittedly isn’t a lot, seeing as how I bothered everyone over Thanksgiving asking what I’m sure were incredibly dumb questions about the rules of a game that still doesn’t make any sense to me, but I do know you watch for the snap. Thanks, Coach Taylor!) That said, I think, based on Britton’s reaction last night, we need to leave Tami to sip her white wine in peace.


May she live on forever in streaming, and in our hearts.


She’s done, y’all.