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Why Does Lucky Luciano Suddenly Have a Droopy Eye And a Scar in the Final Season of 'Boardwalk Empire'?

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 14, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 14, 2014 |

It’s not incredibly noticeable, but if you’re aware of it, it’s hard not to notice that on this season of Boardwalk Empire, Lucky Luciano has a droopy right eye and a scar on that side of his face.


Compare that to an earlier season photo of him (in the header, for instance) and you’ll definitely notice the eye. It’s actually a brilliant little historical detail that Terence Winter and the Boardwalk crew were very smart to add in.

As you know, Boardwalk Empire time-jumped from 1924 to 1931, and a lot happened in those intervening seven years. One major event in 1929 involved Luciano, who was forced by gunpoint into a limousine by three men and beaten, stabbed, and dumped into the woods in Staten Island and left for dead.

Luciano miraculously survived, but he was left with a permanent scar on the right side of his face and a droopy eyelid. Luciano also would not reveal the identity of his kidnappers to police at the time. In 1953, one account suggests that he admitted that the police had kidnapped and beat him, while in another account, he says it was all part of the budding gang wars (some had speculated it was Maranzano who ordered the hit, and tonight’s episode might explain why.

Either way, the fact that Luciano survived the beating actually helped to make a name for the mobster, who would eventually become the most powerful mobster in America.

Source:, Wikipedia