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'Iron Fist' Season 2: Look Who Else Is Getting Iron Fisted This Time Around!

By Tori Preston | TV | August 16, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | TV | August 16, 2018 |

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Netflix has released a full trailer for Iron Fist season two, which debuts in less than a month. The hype machine for this new season has been slow to get off the ground, but the upshot is that everything we’re hearing at least sounds promising. Misty’s back to help kick ass! Typhoid Mary’s gonna show up! Davos is the Steel Serpent!

And while you don’t get to see Alice Eve’s Typhoid Mary in action in this trailer, you DO get to see lots of the upcoming action — including Davos rocking his very own red, glowing Iron Fist.

The most interesting part to me is Jessica Stroup’s Joy Meachum, overseeing some goons in training. Is she part of The Hand now? And more importantly: WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, WARD?!

The question remains as to whether Danny can hold his own for another whole season — but then again, after the first season, the show has nowhere to go but up! We’ll find out if it’s worth it — and if this is FINALLY going to give us some damn Daughters of the Dragon — when Iron Fist season 2 launches September 7th.