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A Cameo, A Bunch of New Names, and Jeremy Bearimy in 'The Good Place'!

By Dan Hamamura | TV | October 19, 2018 |

By Dan Hamamura | TV | October 19, 2018 |


This week on The Good Place: everyone goes on an existential journey!

Which is completely different than every other episode, because this one is titled Jeremy Bearimy, and also manages to illustrate examples of virtue ethics, consequentialism, and deonotology all in twenty-two minutes.

(It also then recapped all of that nicely in act three for the dummies like me to pick up on.)

But of course, what I really care about are all the random asides and hidden jokes and callbacks the show threw at us while trying to make us better people or whatever. So let’s get to them!

Michael’s Plan Revisited!

Once Eleanor (almost immediately) figures out that Rick Justice and Lisa “Frenchie” “Janet” “Double Nickname” Fuqua are not FBI agents, Michael comes clean and explains everything, even recreating a quick and dirty version of his original torture plan:



“Jeremy Bearimy”, a.k.a. Wait, THAT’S Why That’s The Title Of This Episode?

Nothing hidden about this one, but the randomness (that, knowing this show, may end up not being random at all) of this explanation of how time works in The Bad Place really got to me. Especially when Chidi asks about the dot in the ‘i’:

“This… is Tuesdays. And also July.” “And sometimes it’s never.”


The Bar Eleanor Drinks At Takes A Dark Turn…

Naturally, once the group breaks up (again), Eleanor goes to a bar… but this one is called Drinking Nemo, and if my eyes (and my pathetic attempts to ZOOM and ENHANCE) aren’t mistaken, that’s…


…yeah, that’s a small fish skeleton being used as a swizzle stick. Poor Nemo.

Swanson Safe Company Returns!

Previous episodes showcased the handiwork of Swanson Safe Company, but their work has apparently made it to Australia, as well:


Chidi is (un)Surprisingly Ripped!

Eleanor warned us in previous seasons that Chidi was secretly in excellent physical shape, but finally, they found an excuse to show their work, as a loss of all hope + well-timed sprinklers gives us this:


Chidi Partakes In His Favorite Ethically Questionable Behavior

When Chidi goes to the market, still hopeless, he buys (besides an excess of canned chili and candy) his favorite ethically questionable food: almond milk (and almonds, and, well, the almond dispenser, I guess).


That’s a lot of weird film he’s gonna coat his tongue with.

Emmy-Nominated Writer Cameo Alert!

The violin (or “chin guitar”, as Jason would say) busker is none other than the Emmy-Nominated writer of this episode, Megan Amram, who, it should be noted (if it hasn’t yet), was nominated for two Emmys for her groundbreaking webseries “An Emmy For Megan”.


Hey, A Headline From Last Week That We Can Read Now!

Near the end of the episode, the gang reunites in Michael and Janet’s surveillance lab in the abandoned journalism department, and one of the newspapers from last week is close enough that we can read one of the previously illegible headlines! Let’s see what it says:


Biffo blotto bludger turns tall poppy with fazzo frothie biz

Which means… you know, maybe I should have just left that one alone.

Guess We Have To Read The Credits Now?

Although the use of joke names we only see in the credits started at least last week (thanks for the tip, MellieOleson!), this week’s really outdid itself (which, if you’ve followed Emmy-Nominated Megan Amram’s work, makes sense). BEHOLD:



If you can’t read those images, here’s all the joke names (mostly with the first letters of the first/last names swapped) that were in the script but never actually said aloud, broken down into handy categories:

Australian Celebrities:
“Mylie Kinogue”
“Eeth Kurban”
“Gel Mibson”
“Nicole Mankid”
“Waomi Natts”

Australian Tennis Players:
“Cat Pash”
“Lod Raver”
“Gvonne Eoolagong”

Full Punnery:
“Mark Supial”


Congrats to those of you who caught all of those! Although if you were paying attention there, it also means the credits blew the end-of-episode return of Ben Lawson’s Larry Hemsworth. But in this case, maybe it was worth it?

That’s all for this week. And remember: try! It’s better than not trying.