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Because Dennis from 'Sunny' and Joe from 'You' Are the Same Person, the Overlords Discuss Which Character From 'It's Always Sunny' is Which Character From 'The Good Place'

By Petr Navovy | TV | January 24, 2020 |

By Petr Navovy | TV | January 24, 2020 |


Everyone knows that Joe Godlberg from the Lifetime/Netflix smash hit You is just a parallel dimension version of Dennis from the Best TV Show of the Modern Era, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It’s just an accepted truism.

I dropped a video into the Pajiba Slack chat yesterday morning that solidified this connection, to which Dustin responded in the affirmative with this picture:

And then, Emily being Emily, smashed through the boundaries and found inspired lunacy by following that thread and finding herself and the group caught up in trying to find Sunny character analogs in The Good Place

Emily Chambers
Post idea: Joe from You is younger, parallel world version of Dennis. Micky Milkovich is younger, parallel world version of Mac. I just need to find young, parallel world versions of Dee, Charlie and Frank.

Emily Chambers
Younger, parallel world version of Frank is Eleanor Shellstrop.

Dustin Rowles
That’s wrong, and yet so very right.

Emily Chambers

Steven Wilson
Wait, I think that means Charlie is Chidi, and that’s also very wrong and very right

Emily Chambers
Hold on, this might have just blown my mind.

Roxana Hadadi
but what about dee?

Emily Chambers
I’m thinking maybe Anna and Elsa from Jane the Virgin? If Dee had a sibling who was a partner in crime instead of asshole Dennis, she could have focused her attention on scamming people instead of trying to win Dennis’ approval.

Roxana Hadadi
hmmm, I could see that.

Emily Chambers
I’m not entirely sold on it yet. And I still need an alternative for Charlie because he’s not really Chidi.

Steven Wilson
I mean, Jason is the easy answer because he’s the wildcard, but all of them are like 50% Jason Mendoza without the good heart.

Roxana Hadadi
charlie as jason makes sense.

Roxana Hadadi
they BOTH do, really.

Roxana Hadadi
did I miss mac?

Emily Chambers
Micky Milkovich from Shameless.

Roxana Hadadi
yes, yes, this works.

Emily Chambers

Roxana Hadadi
is there a lawyer analog for charlie? for the bird law? (edited)

Emily Chambers
Ooooooooh maybe. Someone from How to Get Away with Murder?

Roxana Hadadi
lol jack mccoy

Emily Chambers
I’ll always love Jack McCoy. Him and Picard. My old man crushes.

Seth Freilich
alterna-charlie is rafi from the league (ZOOK!)

Emily Chambers
That’s not bizzaro Charlie, that’s just mostly Charlie.

Steven Wilson
Charlie, Rafi, and Nick Miller walk into a bar. That’s it. That’s the show I want.

Emily Chambers
Wait, where’d my pants go?

Oh, what’s that? Why, yes, of course it was a deepfake video that caused it: