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Pajiba's March Madness Bracket: The Best Show of the 21st Century?

By Dustin Rowles | TV | March 15, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | March 15, 2018 |


Hello, and welcome to Pajiba’s 2018 March Madness bracket, wherein we will determine what the best show of the 21st Century is. It’s pretty simple. There are 64 shows. You all vote in 32 polls. Winners move on to the next round.

There is one key difference between this and some other March Madness polls. I’m not pitting 1 seeds versus 16 seeds, for instance. In coming up with the pairings, I tried to find similarly themed shows to pit against each other, which should make some of the decisions very painful for you. It should also mean fierce competition even in the first round, where we will see a few favorites gets knocked off early.

That’s part of the fun.

A few notes: If one of your favorite shows is not among the 64, I don’t care. If you feel that one of the shows listed among the top 64 should not be in competition, again, I don’t care. Also, to be eligible, a show only needs to have aired at some point during the 2000s, even if the majority of that show ran in the 1990s. (Freaks and Geeks, for instance, aired in 1999-2000. It qualifies).

Beyond that, please have fun, and I hope that having 32 polls on one page doesn’t crash your browser!

1. Mike Schur

Mike Schur
Good Place
Parks and Recreation

2. R-Rated Animated Sitcom

Animated R-Rated
Bojack Horseman

3. Tina Fey

Tina Fey
30 Rock
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

4. One-Season Wonder

One-Season Wonder
Freaks and Geeks

5. Damon Lindelof

Damon Lindelof

6. Mobsters

Boardwalk Empire


Vince Gilligan
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul

8. Cruelly Knocking Out a Favorite in the First Round (HBO Edition)

Cruelly Knocking Out a Favorite in the First Round (HBO)
The Wire
Game of Thrones

9. Long-Running Animated Sitcom

Long Running Animated Sitcom
South Park
The Simpsons

10. Steve Moffat

Steven Moffat
Doctor Who

11. Sci-Fi Drama

Sci-Fi Drama
Battlestar Galactica

12. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts
West Wing
Friday Night Lights

13. Dan Harmon

Dan Harmon
Rick & Morty

14. Netflix Superhero

Netflix Superhero
Jessica Jones

15. Late Night

Late Night
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Last Week Tonight with Jon Oliver

16. 90’s Sitcom Holdovers

90’s Sitcom Holdovers

17. HBO Comedy

HBO Comedy
Silicon Valley

18. Problematic Leads

Problematic Leads

19. Hurwitzian

Arrested Development
Party Down


FX Drama
The Americans

21. Netflix Sci-Fi

Netflix Sci-Fi
Stranger Things
Black Mirror

22. Western


23. Uncomfortable Comedy

Uncomfortable Comedy
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Curb Your Enthusiasm

24. Damaged Relationships

Damaged Relationship
You’re the Worst

25. Fantastic Writing

Fantastic Writing
Master of None

26. Elisabeth Moss

Elisabeth Moss
Handmaid’s Tale
Mad Men

27. Shows About Death

Shows about Death
The Walking Dead
Six Feet Under

28. Shows that Start with H

Shows that Start with H

29. Shows Set in High School

Shows Set in High School
Veronica Mars
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

30. Sketch Comedy

Sketch Comedy
Inside Amy Schumer
The Chapelle Show

31. Female Ensembles

Female Ensembles
Gilmore Girls
Orange is the New Black

32. Comfort Sitcoms

Comfort Sitcoms
The Office