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We Can't Get Over This Weird Fox News Talking Point About Doritos

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 20, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 20, 2024 |


We recently learned that, after the 2016 election, Kamala Harris had a very human response to Trump’s victory, one with which many of us could relate: She ate an entire bag of Doritos. “I did not share one chip with anybody,” Harris said. “Not even Doug. I just watched the TV with utter shock and dismay. Two things are true eight years later: I still love Doritos and we still have not stopped fighting.” And if you ask me, she showed incredible restraint by only eating one bag!

Nevertheless, it’s become a weird talking point over on Fox News, where they’re having a hard time trying to find something to stick when it comes to Harris. Their decision to mock her for eating Doritos feels very Obama tan suit, but all the same, Elisabeth Hasselback took Harris to task for this.

“That’s the commander-in-chief, potentially, that’s the emotional response of the leader of the free world is to binge-eat a bag of Doritos? Are you kidding me?” she told Sean Hannity. “Can you imagine Putin, how he deals with things? Chugging down a bag of Sour Patch Kids because he’s depressed about something not going his way? Or back in the day, Soleimani — what is he binging on? Funyuns?”

That’s all you got, Fox News? Doritos? And then, I saw this clip from The Five, and I can’t stop thinking about it.

Post by @the_chud_report
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What does she even mean by, “I don’t believe women over a certain age would eat” Doritos? How incredibly out of touch with reality is this woman? Does she know that the Vice Presidential candidate for the Republican party brags about drinking Diet Mt. Dew (actually, of both parties)? What does she mean, “She can’t afford to?” How deprived is this woman? Is she OK?

How do they think that people who eat Doritos are the weird ones? Aren’t they supposed to be the party of the non-college-educated white person? Does she think that poor people in Kentucky “of a certain age” don’t eat Doritos because they “can’t afford” to ruin their waistline? Has she ever met a real person outside of a television studio or the country club? How freakin’ disconnected from reality do you have to be to say this on television and think that it is relatable?

Clearly, Kamala Harris isn’t bothered by it.

Post by @camarrero
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Yeah, that’s the stuff.