By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 31, 2018 |
By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 31, 2018 |
I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today. I will not write about the memo today.
Hi! Here’s Keanu Reeves standing on a motorcycle while it cruises down a highway, a stunt Reeves actually performed for a Super Bowl ad for Squarespace that will air on Sunday night.
Good for Squarespace, too! That company basically grew out of advertising on podcasts, and here they are spending $5 million for 30-seconds of airtime during the biggest television event of the year. And they convinced Keanu to stand on a moving motorcycle for it!
Meanwhile, I am less enamored with the product here, but watching Peter Dinklage and Morgan Freeman rap-sync for Mt. Dew is fun.
Screw it: While you’re here, watch the Super Bowl ad for John Krasinski’s Amazon series, Jack Ryan. It looks alright, but it sure could use more Krasinski beard.