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Tracking the Complex Season-Long Twists and Turns of HBO's "Entourage"

By Dustin Rowles | TV | June 28, 2010 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | June 28, 2010 |

HBO’s “Entourage,” now in its seventh season, is a complex emotional drama. It’s a minefield of plot turns, complications, and relationship turmoil. We here at Pajiba don’t want you to have to face the density of the show alone. That’s why, starting today, each and every Monday throughout the seventh season, we will be tracking every crucial highlight of the show. We will be your guide through the twists and turns of the HBO comedy so that, the next time a friend or co-worker asks you the challenging questions presented in “Entourage,” we’ll have the answers. The growth and maturity of the characters is often difficult to keep up with; as long as you stick with Pajiba, you’ll never not know what’s going on in “Entourage.”

Background Context: Vince is filming a Nick Cassavetes action film; Turtle owns his own limousine service featuring models as chauffeurs; Eric is engaged to Sloan; Johnny Drama is unemployed; and Ari runs the most successful talent agency in the world.

Week 1 Highlights

  • Vince succumbs to pressure from Nick Cassavetes and does his own stunt.

  • Eric is still engaged.

  • Johnny Drama is still unemployed; Lloyd can’t find him a job.

  • One of Turtle’s drivers quits after Turtle makes a pass at her.

  • Ari still runs the most successful agency in the world.

    Take some time to process all of that. Read it over a few times, if necessary. Take notes. Check back next Monday, and we’ll continue adding pieces to this convoluted and entangled dramatic puzzle.