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A Dutch Soccer Pundit Admitted on TV to Sexually Assaulting an Unconscious Woman

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 28, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 28, 2022 |


[Trigger warning for sexual assault)

I am baffled by this clip from a soccer chat show. This anecdote (and the ensuing laughter) would get hosts of even The Five on Fox News fired. In the clip, a soccer pundit by the name of Johan Derksen — in defending the actions of a young soccer player — chats with his co-hosts about dumb things he did when he was younger, like the time in the 1970s when he stuck a candle inside of a woman who had passed out drunk on a couch. That is not OK. That is not OK if you are in your 20s or if you are in your 80s, and it is not OK now, and it wasn’t OK in the 1970s.

Why this man thought it was a good story to tell to a television audience is mind-boggling. Why these men were laughing — at times uproariously — and joking about it in 2022 is beyond comprehension. After Derksen admits to putting a “hefty” candle he found nearby inside of the passed-out woman, one of his co-hosts even jokes, “She’s still lucky, of course, because for all we know, there could have been a baseball bat in the corner.’

“Things like that happen when you’re young,” Derksen says, and all these men laugh agreeably. “You’d be facing jail time for that now,” he says, as though reflecting nostalgically upon the beforetimes when he thought it was OK to abuse an unconscious woman with a foreign object. “Technically,” he continues, “a prosecutor would be able to call that rape.”

Yes. Because that’s what it was, and he just admitted to it on television while his co-workers laughed and made jokes about it.

A regular guest, Roos Schlikker, has since said she is leaving the show, while public prosecutors say they will be investigating the incident. The public in Amsterdam has apparently turned on Derksen, as well. A banner seen hanging from an apartment building reads “Johan Derksen is a rapist.”

Source: Reddit/Dutch News