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Timothy Olyphant Continues to Be God's Gift to Late Night

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 17, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 17, 2018 |


As much as I love season 2 of The Santa Clarita Diet, Timothy Olyphant’s promotional tour has been just as spectacularly funny as the show. Last week, he stopped by Late Night with Seth Meyers and killed with his blasé attitude toward parenting (he has three kids), and even came out with a bit about how Meyers and he aren’t really good friends.

Six minutes is not enough time with Olyphant.

Meanwhile, Olyphant returned to Conan O’Brien’s show — where he is one of Conan’s most reliably funny guests — and last night he showed up and revealed that his cameo in Avengers: Infinity Wars had been cut. He played Captain Japan (and no, he’s not Japanese, but he dated a Japanese girl once).

Here, he completely forgets how to plug his own show.

If you haven’t gotten around to it, watch Santa Clarita Diet. Season one (which is OK) and season two (which is outstanding) are streaming on Netflix.