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Timothy Olyphant Continues to be a God Among Late-Night Guests

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 10, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 10, 2019 |


What do you folks want to talk about this morning? The trash fire in Israel, after what appears to be Netanyahu maintaining control of the country? Or white nationalist Stephen Miller taking over the White House immigration policy?

Maybe you guys want to dig deep into how horrible and misguided this is:

Or this:

Or maybe this?

Nah. I don’t want to talk about any of that, because for the next 16 minutes of your life, there’s only you, Seth Meyers, and Timothy Olyphant washing those cares away. My God, Olyphant is a terrific guest. If he just jumped back and forth between Seth’s show, and Conan’s show every night for like six months, I’m convinced that the world’s problems would solve themselves. He’s televisual Calgon.

Here’s Olyphant insisting that Seth introduce him as a record-setting guest (he is not a record-setting guest).

Here’s Olyphant talking about legalized weed in California, how his wife brought some home, and how he had to take some before he met with the “batsh*t” Hollywood Foreign Press.

Finally — and don’t ignore this last clip, because it’s the best (and there are callbacks!) — here’s Olyphant talking about how his dog got into his edibles, how he went “method” for Missing Link, and the Deadwood movie, specifically how they got Josh Duhamel to play Seth Bullock this time around (and more about that fuller Bullock mustache).

You feel better now? Because I feel better now.

Header Image Source: NBC