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Time Traveling to 2017 With 'Parks and Recreation': Where Are They Now?

By Vivian Kane | TV | January 13, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | TV | January 13, 2015 |

Parks and Recreation returned for its final season tonight. In the final moments of season six, the show jumped ahead three years, so we now find everyone living in the oh-so-distant future of 2017. Here’s what’s new with everyone.

Leslie Knope
Leslie’s doing great. She is the head of the Midwest Parks Service (conveniently located in Pawnee’s City Hall), she and Ben have three children who are “trying to destroy” them, and she has bangs now (even if Ron doesn’t know what those are).

Ben Wyatt
Ben is the City Manager of Pawnee, and is currently working on his biggest project since Ice Town, when he was his hometown’s kid mayor. He’s really enjoying the switch to being celebrated, as opposed to being “pelted with things.”
Please also note that in the future, Ben wears way too much gel in his hair.

Ron Swanson
Ron left the Parks Department and is now working in the private sector. He has his own building and developing company, accurately yet unboastfully named the Very Good Building and Developing Company.

Andy Dwyer
Andy’s now a super responsible adult. He works at the Parks Department part time, and also has his own TV show.

April Ludgate
April hates that she’s a stable adult. She works for the Parks Department full time. She’s basically the new Leslie as the head of something parks-related she doesn’t really care about.

Tom Haverford
Tom is busy wearing this jacket.
That jacket takes a lot of work.

Donna Meagle
Donna now runs Regal Meagle Realty, is engaged and saving up for a Shia LaBeouf-designed wedding dress.

Goes by Terry now.

Some general developments:

  • Ron and Leslie had a falling out surrounding an incident only referred to as “Morningside.” Intrigue!

  • Jon Hamm’s “Ed” still works for Leslie. Well, technically he was fired, but he didn’t seem to notice. He’s just as dumb as ever.

  • The future is now! Remember, this is 2017, so things have changed. Most notably, the new social media phenomenon is Gryzzl. (Remember Gryzzle from the end of last season? They’re the start-up that’s obsessed with the Cones of Dunshire— a “cloud for your cloud” or some such nonsense.) Anyway, they’re the new Google/Facebook/Apple all rolled into one. They’re also developing artificial intelligence that may kill you in your sleep.

  • In 2017, Kevin James is the new Jason Bourne. And he nails it.

  • Werner Herzog apparently lives in Pawnee.

  • herzog-in-pawnee.png