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The Rabbi/Goy Hookup Is Not the Most Scandalous Thing About The 'Nobody Wants This' Trailer

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 29, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 29, 2024 |


I am interested in Nobody Wants This because I like romantic comedies, Adam Brody, and Kristen Bell in romantic comedies (less so as a celebrity person). But the idea that the premise of the movie — a rabbi and a non-Jew hooking up — is scandalous is … well, not particularly believable (my rabbi is gay, and his husband was a non-Jew when they met, and nothing about that seems particularly scandalous in 2024).

It’s that the marriage of the creator, Erin Foster (The New Normal, Barely Famous) at least inspired the film. Erin Foster’s husband is Jewish, and Foster was not when they met. Fun Fact: Foster’s step-mother, Katherine McPhee, performed at their wedding. McPhee is two years younger than Foster. That is not the most scandalous thing about this trailer, either.

The most scandalous thing about this trailer is that Nobody Wants This is not a movie. It is a television series. There are multiple episodes! They took a simple rom-com premise and are determined to stretch it into a full-length series, likely hoping it will fetch additional seasons! What were they thinking? Interestingly, there’s nothing in the trailer that even suggests that this is a series.

But also, it looks cute. I will almost certainly binge it all in one sitting and treat it as though it were an unnecessarily long movie.

Nobody Wants This premieres on Netflix on September 26th.