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The Hilarious Poop Scene on 'Louie' Last Night Was Four Years in the, Uh, Making

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 17, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 17, 2015 |

Pamela Adlon — who suddenly plays Louie’s girlfriend again on Louie, after Louie banged a pregnant woman in last week’s episode — conducted an interview with Vulture this week that was entirely about the cold open in last night’s episode. In case you missed it, the cold open sees Louie — with his daughters — suffering from intense intestinal discomfort (he had to take a shit).

Here he is, out in the city with his daughters, and he has to take a dump. What do you do when you’re a single dad in this situation? He tries to scramble home from the market, and it gets so uncomfortable for him that — at one point — he chucks his groceries and makes a run for it.

Sadly, Louie doesn’t make it. He lets down his daughters.

The scene itself, while not inspired by a particular moment in Louis C.K.’s life, had been in the making for over four years, according to Pamela Adlon.

Four fuckin’ years! Four fuckin’ years I’ve been saying to Louie, “Please. Please do this scene where you have to shit, and you’ve got the kids, and you’ve got to go to the public restroom, and you’ve got to put [your daughter] on your shoulder because you don’t trust her alone in there.” I mean, we talked about so many scenarios. Because how does a dad, a single dad, take a shit in a public restroom with his daughters? It took years of talking about this. Years.

Literally! Literally inside Louie’s colon. We literally called this scene the “Shit Race 2000” because it’s like, oh my God, there’s so much happening. You have to throw these groceries away! You have to throw them in the garbage can! Because who cares about the groceries? That’s how bad you have to go. And I’m so proud of the scene. I feel like the proud mother of a giant turd.

As for that NO DUMPING sign on the wall during the scene? That wasn’t a prop, according to Adlon.

That “No Dumping” sign was actually on that wall! We did not put that sign on the wall, I swear to God. It was kismet … or shitsmet. Or whatever you want to call it.

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This really is the ultimate nightmare situation for any parent, especially when you’re dealing with smaller kids. If you have to go to a public restroom, what do you do? Do you just leave the stroller outside the stall? Do you let the 2 year old run around in the bathroom? Do you take the kid in the stall with you?

This is why parents disappear for the first two years of a child’s life. It’s this fear, exactly. It’s easier to stay home.

Source: Vulture