By Joanna Robinson | TV | November 15, 2013 |
By Joanna Robinson | TV | November 15, 2013 |
It’s tempting to give the crown to Crosby and his baby chest bumps this week. It’s hard to divorce my feelings on Crosby as a dad from my feelings about Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell as parents. And their imaginary household. Which, in my mind, is all sloth meltdowns all the time. But no, Crosby didn’t win the Heart Squishiest crown this week.
Zeek certainly got the most laughs for his short-lived enjoyment of bachelorhood and we’re all experiencing the same level of dread around the Amber Ryan engagement, right? Those kids are not going to make it. But the heart squishiest moment came as a result of some convincing tears from Xolo Mariduena as Victor. They’ve had such a hard time with the character on that show, but the kid nailed it last night.
Of course my heart squishies immediately turned to ice when Joel blew Julia off outside Victor’s room. This is a real character reversal for Joel who has been acting like a royal d*ck this season. I understand work pressures, but I don’t understand changing your entire personality. Was anyone else rooting for Julia to go to Italy with Camille and for everyone to get some space? It’s not too late, Julia. Choose Italy over infidelity!