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The Fox News Christmas Tree Torched; Politico Will Probably Blame Kamala Harris

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 8, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 8, 2021 |


The joke has been used so many times that it’s already trending on Twitter, but “the war on Christmas” has officially begun, and by that, I mean: One person has been arrested for torching the Fox News Christmas Tree.

Oh. No. That. Is. Terrible. Please, someone, throw some water on it. Yes, spit will do just fine.

I’ll give Politico until early afternoon before they figure out a way to blame Kamala Harris. She’s X-mas Tree phobic, you know?

Meanwhile, no motive has yet been ascertained from Craig Tamanaha, the man in custody. Probably a false flag operation, right? Fox News sent an intern out to drum up some outrage for Tucker’s show tonight before people start paying attention to the time that Tucker solicited a college recommendation letter for his son from his close friend Hunter Biden. I’m just going to wait 10 minutes before the first rabid Kyle Rittenhouse supporter starts ranting that the Democrats made the X-mas tree arsonist a hero.