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The Lord Giveth, the Lord Taketh Away: Tatiana Maslany Has Not Actually Been Cast as She-Hulk

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 16, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 16, 2020 |


A few weeks ago, Deadline reported that Marvel had cast Orphan Black star Tatiana Maslany as the lead character in their upcoming She-Hulk series, set to be directed by Kat Coiro and run by Rick and Morty writer Jessica Gao. Everyone treated this news as gospel, including Mark Ruffalo, who welcomed Maslany into the MCU family.

There’s only one catch: It didn’t actually happen, at least according Tatiana Maslany, who I guess should know more than anyone. She spoke to the Sudbury Star recently, and told them that no, that was not a thing:

“That actually isn’t a real thing,” she told the outlet, “and it’s like a press release that’s gotten out of hand. It’s totally not — I’ve been connected to these things in the past and press has gotten onto it, but it’s not actually a thing, unfortunately.”

Told that big outlets like the BBC picked up the news, Maslany shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t know how these things get — I don’t know, I don’t know. You know better; I have no idea. (Laughs.)”

I don’t know … either. I mean, there was a press release? And Deadline reported it, and Variety “learned it from sources,” and The Hollywood Reporter “confirmed.”

That’s weird. Maybe the deal just fell apart at the last minute, or it is still under negotiation, or maybe Disney+ decided, instead, to introduce body diversity and cast someone else. Or maybe Maslany was neer even in the running, and someone just made it up and ran with it. It’s a damn shame about losing Maslany, though.

Source: The Sudbury Star