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Supernatural Garth 14 09.jpg

'Supernatural' Recap: Garth's Back, And Michael Rips Off Thanos

By Tori Preston | TV | December 14, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | TV | December 14, 2018 |

Supernatural Garth 14 09.jpg

The midseason finale of Supernatural was an incomplete thing — a very obvious cliffhanger in need of resolution. So instead of doing a deep dive on the particulars, let me instead walk you through the biggest revelations of the night:

- Michael is in Kansas City
Also, he’s in the body of a woman, which dashes my whole “Dean’s a Trojan Horse” theory. But whatever. Michael’s hiding out in an office building and filling the city with his grace-infused super-monsters as he prepares for his first big step: unleashing his goons in a “Wave of Transformation”… on Christmas. So if anyone in Kansas City put “Become a Vampire and/or Werewolf” on their list to Santa, they just might get their wish! Everyone else will likely be kinda disappointed though.

- Garth’s Back!
DJ Qualls returned as the wannabe-Bobby hunter-turned-werewolf Garth, and I always forget how much I like that character until he pops back up and I’m like, “Oh yeah, I love you Garth!” Unfortunately this time around is not shaping up to be one of his better appearances, at least in terms of the character’s wellbeing. You see, Sam called Garth in out of retirement to be his spy on the inside of Michael’s whole supercharged monster operation. Unfortunately Michael still has Dean’s memories and recognizes Garth immediately — and no amount of “I want to be on the winning side of the coming war” arguments are going to make him believe Garth is somehow not siding with the Winchesters still (after all, they’ve literally ALWAYS BEEN THE WINNING SIDE in the past). So when the time comes to drink the special grace-juice, Garth tries the ol’ hide-it-under-your-tongue-and-don’t-swallow trick… but Michael’s wise to that, and makes Garth take his dose. So now Garth is not only super powerful — he’s also got Michael speaking directly into his head, and telling him to attack the Winchesters. BOOOOO!

- Dean gets the Spear
Dean and Castiel track down Dark Kaia and manage to get her archangel-killing spear from her… without fighting! They actually make a deal: Kaia wants to return to The Bad Place (the crappy kaiju-filled alternate dimension from whence she came), and needs their help. Well, she needs Jack’s help, to open a portal. And Dean decides not to inform her that, you know, Jack doesn’t exactly have his Nephilim powers anymore. But he does ask her why she’s so eager to return to the place she’s already crossed realities to get away from, and her answer kind of makes sense. There, she was chased by monsters — but she understood them. Here she’s chased by Michael’s special monsters, and she’s gotten embroiled in a situation she doesn’t understand at all. So after due consideration, she’d like to hurry the hell home — and she’s willing to let Dean borrow her spear in exchange for helping her later (and as long as he promises to bring the spear back safely too).

- Dean’s Michael Again
So Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack head into what is clearly a trap, and get their asses handed to them by Michael. And for whatever reason, Michael wanted them to come in. Well, actually the reason is pretty clear: he wants to jump back into Dean’s body. YUP. It turns out I wasn’t entirely wrong about the Trojan Horse theory when Michael mysterious vacated Dean, he left the door open for his return (hence Dean getting all woozy at weird point the past few episodes). And the only reason Michael gave up in the first place was because Dean was being too squirmy and kept fighting back. So Michael thought giving the poor guy a taste of hope and then snatching it all away again would break Dean’s spirit and leave him buried and unresisting once Michael took over again. And so far, it kinda seems like it worked.

- Michael Breaks The Spear
So now there’s no archangel weapon, AND Kaia is going to be pissed.

- Michael’s Ripping Off Thanos
Y’all, Michael sucks so hard he kicks off his big monster invasion BY SNAPPING HIS FINGERS. That’s the freakin’ cliffhanger! That’s where it ends! And like, I’m still not emotionally recovered from the LAST time a mad cosmic entity pulled that sh*t against my heroes, so this just feels like cruel. But on the other hand, all the cute Christmassy references, from Jack’s red jacket to the very Die Hard-ish office building, really worked for me, so I guess I’ll have to just let that snap slide. FOR NOW.