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This Inauguration Playlist Definitely.png

Spend Your Day Listening To The Perfect Inauguration Playlist

By Andrew Sanford | TV | January 20, 2021 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | January 20, 2021 |

This Inauguration Playlist Definitely.png

We did it! We friggin did it! We made it into a new era. Woo! I’m exhausted, but the party needs to keep going! If you’re like me, you’ve got a long day of celebrating ahead. So why not have a list of perfectly curated songs to accompany you? Well, you’re in luck, because that’s what Stephen Colbert gave us!

Colbert opened up his show last night by presenting a list of songs that are totally selected for normal reasons! Kind of. It becomes clear pretty damn quick that the songs, when read in a certain order, criticize the outgoing President and I’m on board for it.

I’m honestly not sure if I’ll ever get tired of making fun of the last president, whatever his name is. A lot of the late-night shows took parting shots at him, but Colbert’s resonated the most because it really sums up just what made picking on him so easy. There’s not really hyperbole when it comes to the Orange One. He is everything said in this bit and more.

So, enjoy your day. Hope for tomorrow. Rock out to some sweet tunes. And make fun of the giant, festering, infected wound that is former President Tiny-Hands McGarbageFire.