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'South Park' Got Its Caitlyn Jenner Dig in Last Night, and It Was Brutal

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 24, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 24, 2015 |

The meat of last night’s episode of South Park targeted Donald Trump and the American public, and it provided a painful dose of reality. Trump had become the President of Canada, which resulted in the entire country emigrating elsewhere. How did Trump end up as President of Canada? As one Canadian living in American explained to Butters:

“There were several candidates during the Canadian election. One of them was this rash asshole who just spoke his mind. He didn’t really offer any solutions, he just said outrageous things. We just thought he was funny. Nobody ever thought he’d be President. It was a joke! But we just let the joke go on for too long. He kept gaining momentum, and by the time we were ready to say, ‘Let’s get serious now, who should really be President?’ he was already being sworn into office. We weren’t paying attention! We weren’t paying attention! (*sobs*)”

I covered that elsewhere, where you can watch the clip (which also involves an ending in which Mr. Garrison literally f*cks Donald Trump to death).

Caitlyn Jenner also made an appearance. Last week, she was the main subject of the season premiere, but Trey Parker and Matt Stone largely dealt not with Jenner herself, but with how the American public has handled themselves with regards to her.

This week, they did some more of that, but they also took a brutal shot at Jenner, not for her gender-identity, but over the the fatal car accident in which she was involved last February.

Here, again, it’s as much about our reaction to it as it was about the incident itself. Notice that no one reacted or seemed care that Jenner drove over a pedestrian. Twice. They just went on with their applause.