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Savage Love and Other Television Minutia

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 25, 2009 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 25, 2009 |

Let’s start your Tuesday morning with crappy television news, how about it? Is anybody enthusiastic about anything on the Fall network schedule besides “Glee”? Hell, I don’t even remember what else the networks are rolling out. Clearly, the summer schedule hasn’t been a big enough draw to attract audiences to the fall promos. We could be in for a long, cancellation heavy Fall ‘09.

Two shows that won’t be getting the axe early on are VH1’s “I Love Money 3” and “Megan Wants a Millionare.” The shows were pulled from their schedule after Ryan Jenkins committed suicide after he became a suspect in the murder of his ex-wife, Jasmine Fiore. who was found stuffed in a suitcase, minus her fingers and teeth (her body had to be identified by her breast-implant serial numbers). How did I miss this? Seriously: I think I need to step away from “Doctor Who” episodes and turn on the television for a few minutes. But then again, knowing that “Big Brother” and ABC’s “Shark Tank” are leading the ratings this summer, maybe it’s best I limit my television viewing to “Mad Men,” “Psych,” and the occasional baseball game.

In fact, I have no idea who Ryan Jenkins or Jasmine Fiore are, nor do I know who Megan of “Megan Wants a Millionare” fame is. I don’t even really understand Ryan Jenkins’ associations with either show. But good for VH1 for canceling them. Now, if they could just cancel every other show on their channel and show some fucking adult-alternative and Kelly Clarkson videos, maybe someone would watch the station. (Do they still have iterations of “I Love the 80s” on? I don’t think I’ve seen VH1 in a couple of years.)

Elsewhere, MTV is developing a U.S. version of the U.K. teen drama “Skins,” which I’m only familiar with because Seth reviewed the UK version a couple of weeks ago. The UK creator, Bryan Elsley, will serve as exec producer of the new show, which will be set in Baltimore. I hope the teens don’t have any run ins with Jimmy McNulty, although it would instantly make the show a cajillion times better.

What else? TLC is renewing “The Little Couple,” a reality show about a couple of newlyweds who are under four feet tall. That’s a show? On TV? Jesus Christ. Apparently, it’s one of TLC’s big hits, along with “Jon and Kate Plus 8” “Cake Boss,” and “Police Women of Broward County.” That sounds like a prime candidate for one of Michael Murray’s trash TV reviews.

I am familiar with “Project Runway.” In fact, I blessedly slept through it the other night while Mrs. Pajiba-hyphenate basked in its glow. Good news for “Runway” fans: It was not only the biggest premiere draw in Lifetime’s history, but it beat Bravo’s fourth-season premiere by 32 percent. It was also the biggest premiere for any reality show on cable in 2009.

Finally, the sole bit of TV news I can muster a give-a-shit about: HBO is mulling the idea of airing a show based on “Savage Love,” the sex advice column from Dan Savage. Who is awesome. Taping of the show begins this week.