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'Saturday Night Live' Does Not Deserve Host Jason Momoa

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 9, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 9, 2018 |


Cold Open — Robert DeNiro reappears to badly read from cue cards and scare Eric Trump. Given the news cycle this week, it’s absurd that they couldn’t come up with a better cold open than thrice warmed-up leftovers. At least it was mercifully short. (Watch here) (Score: 3 out of 10)

Jason Momoa Monologue — Whatever shortcomings may exist in the monologue, they’re completely made up for by Momoa’s enthusiasm, infectiousness, pink pants and bare feet. Momoa is meant for SNL. I just hope that the show can live up to him (It cannot). Aqua-Boogie baby. (Score: 7 out of 10).

Elves on the Shelf — The Elves on the Shelf are back, and this time around, Momoa plays an Elf that wants a new kid to watch over because his kid won’t stop masturbating and staring at him uncomfortably. I’m not sure if this sketch is naughty or nice, but it’s definitely gross. (Score: 6 out of 10)

Big Boy Appliances — An ad for appliances designed for men who do all the housework, including a riding vacuum cleaner and a gas-powered dishwasher. It’s perfectly tailored to Momoa’s talents. (Score: 6 out of 10)

Dothraki Public Access — Momoa resurrects his Game of Thrones character for a public access chat show featuring the ghosts of dead Thrones characters. It’s a fun idea (and I liked the little dig at Kevin Hart), but I wish it had been a better-written sketch with jokes that were less obvious. (Watch here) (Score: 4 out of 10)

Them Trumps — What if Trump and his family were black? What appears to be an Empire parody of Trump is really just an elaborate setup for a pretty great joke. (Score: 7 out of 10)

Weekend Update — With the disastrous Trump news this week, Chost have a lot with which to work, and they successfully make hay. The degree of difficulty here is not high; it’s hard to screw up a series of jokes where the punchline is basically, “Trump is going to jail.” Unfortunately, the non-political jokes aren’t as supercharged with schadenfreude, so they aren’t as effective. I also have no idea what to make of Michael’s Che’s “Update” feature on bidets. It’s interesting? (Score: 6 out of 10)

An ‘Extra’ Christmas Carol — As a fabulous dancing diva Ghost, Momoa perfectly straddles the line here between embarrassing horror-show and amazing. I don’t know whether to admire Momoa’s dance work, or feel sorry for him. It’s a bad sketch. But Momoa strips. So, you know … (Watch here) (Score: 4.5 out of 10)

Day of the Dorks — I’m not sure how many people will understand a parody of a 35-year-old movie, but those familiar with Revenge of the Nerds will be impressed with Momoa’s spectacular impression of Ogre. Mediocre sketch, but great impression. (Score: 5.5 out of 10)

Winter Sleigh Rides — I genuinely don’t know what the hell this sketch is except an excuse for Momoa to make a couple of boner jokes. Awful. (Watch here) (Score: 2 out of 10)

First Impression — Beck plays a boyfriend trying to make a good first impression on his girlfriend’s parents, so he inexplicably plays a game of hide and seek, which the Dad (Momoa) takes an unnatural interest in. It feels like a Kyle Mooney sketch, and it shouldn’t work, but Momoa makes it possibly the sketch of the night through the sheer force of his kid-like enthusiasm (and it’s a sketch that both you and I would love, Mat). (Score: 7 out of 10)

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer — After Santa chooses Rudolph to lead the sleigh on Christmas, Rudolph (Pete Davidson) gets his revenge on the other reindeer for bullying him. It’s not great, but it’s hard to hate any sketch that ends with Santa putting a rabid Comet down with a shotgun. (Watch here) (Score: 4 out of 10)