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Sacha Baron Cohen Thinks Sarah Palin Was Hit By A 'Bullshit' Grenade And Wants His Apology

By Andrew Roberts | TV | July 12, 2018 |

By Andrew Roberts | TV | July 12, 2018 |


Sacha Baron Cohen isn’t even back on television yet and he’s already pissing off the right people. Not only did Sarah Palin play “the troops” card when she said she got duped by Baron Cohen’s new wounded “veteran” character and “sat through a long ‘interview’ full of Hollywoodism’s [sic] disrespect and sarcasm” according to The AV Club. She also said the folks at Showtime dropped her and her daughter Piper at the wrong airport, but it just stinks of typical Palin behavior.

Even fucking Roy Moore, the former GOP Senate nominee from Alabama and guy who allegedly spends too much time at OshKosh B’gosh while never buying anything, spoke out against Cohen and threatened a lawsuit if Showtime airs the footage they shot with him according to The Daily Beast:

According to Moore, he was invited in February of this year to receive an award in Washington, D.C. for his “strong support” of Israel and did not realize the series was intended to “embarrass, humiliate and mock not only Israel” but also figures like him, Palin, Dick Cheney and former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh, whose involvement in the show had not yet been officially confirmed.

Nothing like the guy who was accused of sexual misconduct with minors trying to pretend he’s got the moral high ground. You’ll also notice that Dick Cheney hasn’t spoken out about the horrors of Baron Cohen’s interview, probably because he actually enjoyed himself and is busy sucking the blood from goats in the local village.

Anyway, people are angry, the show is getting so much press ahead of its premiere in the near future, and now we have Baron Cohen — as one of his new characters, Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr. — writing a response to “Vice President Palin” and demanding an apology after she was hit by a “bullshit grenade” and left “bleeding fake news.” He also makes it clear that he was in the service and was not a war vet, serving with United Parcel because he couldn’t get into the military thanks to “bone spurs bein discovered in my testies.”

I am curious how long this show will be on the air. Not because it’ll be too controversial or reveal anything shocking. More due to nobody being fooled after this opening salvo from Baron Cohen — and the world turning to cinders. We’re still proper fucked, you can’t forget that.