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RuPaul Is Obsessed With The Miss Vanjie Meme, But What Does It Mean!?

By Kristy Puchko | TV | March 31, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | TV | March 31, 2018 |


We touched on this earlier today in the RuPaul’s Drag Race recap, but there’s been a bizarre new development. Yes, Gay Twitter can’t get enough of the eliminated queen Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, because of the weird way she left the competition, backwards while chanting, “Miss Vanjie.”

Ru herself got a clear kick out of this eccentric exit too, which was revealed in episode two:

But on on Twitter, RuPaul cannot get enough of Miss Vanjie. She’s been tweeting about her for days, which made some fans speculate that the drag daughter of Alexis Mateo might be somehow coming back to season ten.

But Vanjie did not reappear in episode two, so why was hers the image Ru kept tweeting ahead of its debut? And why is she still doing it!

Is Ru just gaga over Gay Twitter’s latest obsession? Is that why her feed is full of Miss Vanjie meme retweets?

Seriously. What is going on!? Come through, conspiracy queens. Sound off in comments.