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Question: Who Was Kevin Banging When the Rapture Arrived on 'The Leftovers' (NSFW-ish)

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 8, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 8, 2014 |

Corey spoke to the slightly disappointing second episode of HBO’s The Leftovers yesterday, and will say only this in that regard: Give the show some time. Two episodes is not enough time to judge a show. When did we become so impatient with television?

Anyway, I do want to talk about The Leftovers more later this week, but there’s one question that I didn’t include in the pilot episode’s Answers to 20 Burning Questions You Have About ‘The Leftovers’ post, and it’s killing me.

Near the end of the episode, laundromat lady asks Kevin where he was when the event happened. Kevin said he was “cleaning the gutters,” and then we got a quick flashback to what he was actually doing during that time.

My question: Is that his wife?

Is that woman he is having sex with played by Amy Brenneman? Or is that another woman?

I can’t tell, and that’s actually an important question to the series: If Kevin was cheating on his wife, maybe that’s part of the reason why she left and joined the Guilty Remnant. Maybe it wasn’t a happy marriage to begin with. Maybe Kevin is feeling doubly guilty about her leaving because he was such a sh*tty husband to her and he feels he drove her away.

On the other hand, if it was Kevin’s wife? Wow! Two kids and 15 years or so into their marriage and their still f**king like that? No wonder Kevin is so torn up about losing his wife? They were amazing together. That’s a hard loss to suffer.