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Trailers You Missed: Gaze Upon The Face Of Your New Robin Hood

By Tori Preston | TV | May 4, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | TV | May 4, 2018 |


Happy Friday! And Happy “Everyone’s gonna make that Star Wars May The Forth Be With You joke” day! In honor of that, here’s a short clip from Solo that features shaky footage of the Millennium Falcon.

And in a completely different section of the Disney Empire, here’s some Darth Marvel newness!

Ant-Man and The Wasp — In Theaters July 6th
This might be the perfect antidote to the intensity of Infinity War. Fun, sorta silly action! Ants playing drums! No Thanos! Also, it looks like The Wasp is going to kick serious ass in this movie. I couldn’t care less about the prospective romance, but I’m looking forward to this particular heroic team-up.

And speaking of team-ups…

Cloak & Dagger — Premieres on Freeform June 7th at 8pm EST
Two teenagers are drawn together by their superpowers, which involve light daggers and dark… wisps? Also, they are maybe a “divine pairing” and one of them will have to die eventually. Shit looks INTENSE. Needs more cloaks, though.

And in other news…

Robin Hood — In Theaters November 21st.
Taron Egerton plays Robin Hood, with a chinstrap beard. Jamie Foxx is Little John, Ben Mendelsohn is the Sheriff of Nottingham, and Jamie “50 Shades Finally Fucking Freed” Dornan is Will Scarlet. Look, there have been countless Robin Hood adaptations. This one just looks cheaper, almost like a Robin Hood-themed Assassin’s Creed DLC. And like, I know this is the least of the movie’s problems, but that title treatment is garbage. And no, that’s not just me trying to secure the review assignment from TK via reverse-psychology. OR IS IT?

A Simple Favor — In Theaters September 14th.
The 100% accurate, completely true story of what being Blake Lively’s friend is really like. Also stars Anna Kendrick, and is directed by Paul Feig — a man who will forever be seared into my brain as “That Guy Who Does Dumb Shit For Laughs On The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale”.

The Yellow Birds — In Theaters June 15th
NuCyclops and NuSolo star as soldiers in the Iraq War. Toni Collette and Jennifer Aniston play their mothers. It’s based on a book, it premiered at Sundance in 2017, and it looks super intense.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt — Returns to Netflix May 30th.
Are you into exuberant high-fives? Then have I got the trailer for you!