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Nevermind, This Man Is the Worst Ever ‘Love Is Blind’ Villain

By Emma Chance | TV | October 12, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Netflix

Last week I told you about Leo the braggart art dealer, positing him as the worst man to ever go on Love Is Blind. Well, this week, a new batch of episodes introduced a new villain, and he might have Leo beat.

Stephen Richardson was introduced to us in the pods as the big guy who always thought he was Italian until he took an ancestry test, revealing African descent. He got engaged to Monica Davis, who strikes me as a no-nonsense kind of chick. In the pods, I didn’t think much of their relationship. It wasn’t until the tail end of the post-pods cast trip to Mexico that my (and Monica’s) spidey senses started tingling.

Stephen basically talked about sex a lot. Like, a lot. Like, why are you talking about women wanting to suck your dick at this friendly gathering at a Mexican pub? Like, we’re just sitting on the couch and you’re saying you want me to treat you like a piece of meat? In Monica’s literal own words, “How did we get here?”

It was creepy and I knew it didn’t bode well. And then, Monica found freaky texts between Stephen and another woman on his phone, which were sent when he was supposed to be at a “sleep test,” presumably for some kind of sleep disorder he may or may not have? Whatever, the sleep test isn’t the important thing here. The important thing is that Stephen sucks.

“I do remember they were really very sexual. I remember one specifically said, ‘No one’s ever been able to satisfy my kinks the way you do.’ And they were just going back and forth,” Monica tells Entertainment Weekly. She says she wanted their breakup to be filmed because she didn’t want to give him a chance to act like it didn’t happen. “I just knew in that moment I was so disgusted and shocked that I needed him to be away from me.”

Monica explains that she and Stephen didn’t really talk about sex or sexuality in the pods, but remembers now that the other women said he did. “I do remember thinking back to the women’s lounge and recalling a couple of the girls making comments like, ‘Yeah, I don’t think I’m really into that Stephen guy. I’m putting him near the bottom of my list, because he was super-freaky in there.’”

Yikes. Obviously not kink-shaming anyone here, but this more speaks to the ongoing problem of casting on Love Is Blind, in that it consistently seems as if the men are not going through as rigorous a process as the women to determine their motivations. My theory is that it’s like the opposite of going to the club, when they turn men away because they need more women in there? More women than men must be applying to this show because they really do want to find love in a new way they haven’t tried yet, and there aren’t enough men doing the same.

Anyway, good luck to Monica.