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No! No, Please God No! Nooooo: NBC is Bringing Back 'The Office'

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 18, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 18, 2017 |

TVLine is reporting that NBC eyeing the return of The Office for the 2018-19 season, thanks to the success of the revival of Will & Grace, of which I have seen exactly one episode despite being the nominal demographic for just such a revival. I would also count myself as the nominal demo for the return of The Office, one of my very favorite sitcoms in the aughts. But I don’t want this. No one wants this.

The Office was never the same after Steve Carell left, and Carell will not be returning with the new series. In fact, TVLine reports that it will be a “mix of old and new” cast members, which probably means Dwight, Phyllis, Angela, and Oscar, but no Michael, and certainly no Jim and Pam (Jenna Fischer might be willing to return, but Jon Krasinksi almost certainly would not, and if Pam came back without Jim, I would burn NBC to the ground). Hell, it might just be Toby and a bunch of new people.

Anyway, it’s happening, and according to TVLine, a search for a new manager is currently underway. Whatever this new iteration of The Office is, it won’t be this. It’ll never be this:

The Office - Jim and Pam getting married dance [ JK Wedding Entrance Dance Style ] from Larsen on Vimeo.

You just can’t reproduce that kind of alchemy, people. It cannot be done.