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Mindy Is About To Get D.E.N.N.I.S.'d: Cute Ranking Last Night's 'Mindy Project' And 'New Girl'

By Joanna Robinson | TV | October 9, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | TV | October 9, 2013 |

Though New Girl was the more solid and enjoyable half hour of television last night, I have to give the cute advantage to Mindy for handling the pain and absurdity of a break-up so well. Mindy still has a lot of problems this season and I don’t know if Adam Pally is making them better, or worse. My money’s on worse. Mindy also had our first look at It’s Always Sunny’s Glenn Howerton. He’s no Deslaurier, but he’ll do for a sexy nemesis. He’ll do just fine.

Best Line Of The Night: Came from Winston! For once! That never happens!

I love Ferguson and Winston. I ship them so hard.

If Anything Ever Begged For A Montage: We’re getting some glimpses into Nick and Jess’s adorable/dorky sex life and while I loved all the weird half-details we got about The Captain, I would appreciate a montage of their more successful sexcapades.

Evil Schmidt Isn’t Bad In Small Doses: Knowing that this is probably the end of the Evil Schmidt plot line made me appreciate it a little bit. How do we know it’s the end? I think Jess’s “you did something bad, deal with it” hit home. So now that he’s gone, let’s appreciate Evil Schmidt’s demented smile, fueled by strawbana.

Best Physical Comedy Moment: I’m not overly fond of Ike Barinholtz’s Morgan, but I may never get over the sight of him corralling Mindy in a box of pizza and holding her down in a straightjacket of cardboard, cheese grease and despair.
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Sometimes This Show Gets It So Right: Because, um, yes, I have thought that about myself when I go out in public looking a mess. I may be the only one here who does, but at least Mindy gets it.

The One Grudging Laugh I Gave Adam Pally: Seriously! How do you waste Adam Pally?! HOW?! I still have hope they’ll figure out his character, but his current schtick appears to be “Sh*t My Sexist Jackhole Co-worker Says” and it doesn’t work. Uh. Except for here.

…and, finally folks, a sexy sitcom two-fer. One from each show. Enjoy.

