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Michelle Wolf Chats with Her Old Boss About the WHCA Dinner (And She Really Is Mean!)

By Dustin Rowles | TV | May 10, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | May 10, 2018 |


After Michelle Wolf gave her WHCA Dinner speech a couple of weeks ago, Seth Meyers took a few moments on his show to defend her against both Republicans and the press, who had attacked her for being mean. Seth’s line on Wolf, who was on the Late Night staff for two years, was, “She is filthy, and she is mean. And that’s what we love about her, because those are wonderful qualities for comedians and terrible qualities for free-world leaders.”

He was right. Michelle Wolf is filthy and mean, as she demonstrated in her appearance on Late Night last night to talk about the WHCA Dinner and her upcoming Netflix series. I mean, she’s not mean in a cruel way — she just gives Seth a lot of shit, and it’s a goddamn joy. Employers have different styles, I guess, and to each their own, but I feel fortunate here that most of the writers at Pajiba (and the commenters!) feel comfortable enough to shit all over me from time to time, too.

Anyway, Wolf also tells some jokes she couldn’t tell as a writer on Late Night, and one of them involves Bill Clinton’s curtains and semen, and well, let’s just say: I’m really looking forward to her Netflix series.