By Alexander Joenks | TV | May 4, 2018 |
By Alexander Joenks | TV | May 4, 2018 |
Today is the fourth of May, and so we, as proper nerds, celebrate the nerdiest day on the nerd calendar. Happy Star Wars day everyone, May the Fourth (be with you).
For longer than most of us have been alive this has been the foundation of our science fiction, the well that we return to again and again. And so we have to toast everything that it has given us, all the dreams of the future, all the staggering adventure, all the hope made manifest in ships that danced among the stars.
To its humble beginnings, when it made us dream with cardboard sets.
To its original trilogy, that introduced so many of us to the idea that science fiction could be everything film should be in the seventies and eighties.
To teaching a generation of us what Roman numerals were, and that episodes IV, V, and VI were our favorite.
To having the will and desire to try to bring a different generation to the silver screen in the same universe.
And yes, even to the ones in the nineties that are best now forgotten, that ripped the franchise off the big screen for two decades.
To the creator whose vision made it all possible even if he hung on too long when a new generation wanted to make that universe their own.
To J.J. Abrams, bringing a fan’s love to finally bringing the franchise back to the big screen.
Even if some of us felt the follow up failed in its promise of a dark story, decidedly failing to live up to its promises of gender progressivism.
To overthinking what exactly was living in the trash compactor.
To building a universe of incredible diversity and progressivism that has been a force of goodness and hope these last decades.
Today is for you Star Wars fans. May you be one with the Fourth, and May the Fourth be with you.