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Matt LeBlanc Wants to Show You His Enormous C**k

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 17, 2010 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 17, 2010 |

You folks may recall back in January we showed you a small promo for Matt LeBlanc’s new show, “Episodes,” which is being co-produced by Showtime and the BBC. It’s a brilliant concept: It’s a behind the scenes look at an American network adapting a successful British series for United States audiences. And of course, the American network chooses Matt LeBlanc for the lead in the American version, an erudite verbally dexterous headmaster.

Matt LeBlanc will, of course, play himself (although, not without first auditioning for the role of … himself). The show looks hysterical, and Matt LeBlanch is perfect. Ironically, he may be able to shed his Joey character by mocking his Joey character.

Just watch the trailer. Trust me, you’re gonna dig it.